About us

Cosun Nutrition Center conducts research and acquires scientific information on plant-based foods in relation to health and sustainability. We share our knowledge internally with our colleagues within Cosun and externally with other health professionals, scientists and organisations specialising in nutrition, health and sustainability, as well as (professional) media.

In addition to sharing information, we actively engage in dialogue on societal issues. We are convinced that we can enrich each other with knowledge and in that way work to achieve Cosun’s mission.

Cosun Nutrition Center is funded by Royal Cosun and bases its communications on scientific facts and the guidelines of independent national and international advisory bodies. With our Scientific Advisory Board we ensure the scientific validation of Cosun Nutrition Center. The Board is responsible for the content and policy of scientific activities and communication.

The team

Dr.ir. Janine Verheesen
Dr.ir. Janine Verheesen
Ir. Andries Olie
Ir. Andries Olie
Senior Manager nutrition, health and sustainability
Julie Essink, MSc
Julie Essink, MSc
Science Manager nutrition, health and sustainability
Bobby de Hamer, MSc
Bobby de Hamer, MSc
Regulatory Affairs Officer nutrition, health and sustainability
Monique Gräffner
Monique Gräffner
Office Manager

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board of Cosun Nutrition Center consists of experts, each with specific expertise in nutrition, health and communication.

The Scientific Advisory Board is responsible for the content and policy of scientific activities and communication (information on the Scientific Advisory board’s rules of procedure is available on request). Cosun Nutrition Center bases its views on facts from scientific research and on guidelines from independent advisory bodies such as those of the Health Council of the Netherlands and the Netherlands Nutrition Center.

These are the members of the Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof.dr.ir. Frans Kok
Prof.dr.ir. Frans Kok
Chair, Emeritus professor Human Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University and Research
Prof.dr.ir. Wim Verbeke
Prof.dr.ir. Wim Verbeke
Professor Agro-foodmarketing and consumer behavior, Ghent University
Prof.dr. Hans Verhagen
Prof.dr. Hans Verhagen
Visiting professor Ulster University (Northern-Ireland) and Technical University Denmark
Prof.dr. Lisbeth Mathus-Vliegen
Prof.dr. Lisbeth Mathus-Vliegen
Gastroenterologist, emeritus professor Clinical Nutrition, Amsterdam University Medical Centers

Part of Royal Cosun

Cosun Nutrition Center is part of Royal Cosun, a cooperative and international agri-food company. Royal Cosun turns the potential of plants into useful solutions for every day, such as plant-based foods and ingredients for humans and animals and green, bio-based non-food applications and renewable energy. The business groups Aviko, Cosun Beet Company, Duynie Group, and Sensus are part of Royal Cosun.

Visit the website of Royal Cosun